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Individual Therapy


Psychology’s imperative demand of its clients is to mobilize their own resources and to heal themselves

through their own strengths – Nell



If we are not regularly deeply embarrassed by who we are, the journey to self-knowledge hasn’t begun. – Alain de Botton



I have always considered it a significant responsibility and an immense privilege to be able to create a safe and warm space in which others can consider the private intricacies of their lives.  My work often involves helping people to navigate difficult life stages, such as relationship problems, an acute mental health event, the multiple challenges of parenthood, or the loss of a loved one. At other times, my role is to provide an arena in which my patients can work through past experiences, change thought or relational patterns, or plan towards some desired future state. While individual therapy is therefore extremely varied in its scope and nature, I have particular interest and experience in working with:


  • Women’s Mental Health

  • Body/Image, Exercise and Eating Disorders

  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Depression

  • Relationship and Attachment Difficulties

  • Sexuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Function

  • Navigating New Parenthood

  • Parenting/Family Relationship Problems and Divorce

  • Autism 

  • Grief and Bereavement

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Work/Lifestyle Stressors


I believe that responsible clinicians should also acknowledge their areas of professional limitation. I therefore tend to refer clients who are struggling with active addictions, physically abusive interpersonal behaviours, and/or Antisocial Personality traits to colleagues who specialise in these areas. 














​​​Individual ​Therapy:

Therapy (whether in office or virtual) usually consists of one 50-minute session per week and begins with an initial assessment session. During this first session we will talk about your reasons for seeking therapy, your past and present circumstances, as well as your expectations regarding the therapeutic process. Once the assessment is complete, I will be able to discuss what intervention(s) I believe will be most beneficial for you and determine whether I am the right person for you to work with. Equally, you will be able to decide whether you would like to continue therapy with me or seek another clinician. Some people only want or require a few consultation sessions. These usually take place on an ad hoc rather than weekly basis.


Please be aware that in the process towards feeling better, therapy can at times make you feel worse. The insights and changes brought about during therapy might impact or cause conflict in your close relationships.


I remain mindful of the fact that a successful therapy requires significant investment in terms of time, energy, and money. While there are seldom “quick fixes”, I work hard alongside my clients to ensure that they feel that these investments are worthwhile.


Session Investments/Rates:

• 50-minute sessions are charged at a rate of €150.

• Failure to attend a scheduled appointment and/or provide at least 48 hours’ notice to reschedule will result in the session deposit being forfeited.

• Claim 10-50% back on health insurance and 20% back on Tax with a Chartered Clinical Psychologist. 

If you would like to be placed on a waiting list for individual therapy,
please complete and submit the below form. 


Kintsukuroi: (n.) (v. phr.)

“To repair with gold”;

the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken.

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